View Full Version : Creek smallies... 6/4

Travis C.
06-04-2013, 01:18 PM
Took the girls out for some creek playing and decided to see if the smallies were biting. Only ended up there about an hour due to the little ones getting too rowdy. I'd probably been more stealth dumping a couple families of otters in the pool I was fishing than the girls today.

Here's a few pics of the shorties that were caught. Fun on a fly rod for sure.





Maybe next trip I will have more time to pick the pool apart better with less waterpalooza going on..

06-04-2013, 01:28 PM
Nice pics Travis.

My boys are getting older now, but my littlest (8) still starts running up and down the banks, jumping on piers and flinging rocks and sticks in the water when he gets bored of fishing.

We'll miss them when they're grown!


06-04-2013, 01:54 PM
Looks like a nice little creek! Glad you caught a few!

Transplanted Sportsman
06-04-2013, 02:10 PM
Nice pics Travis.

We'll miss them when they're grown!



Travis C.
06-04-2013, 02:16 PM
My girls are 5 & 3 so some play is encouraged and expected. I am just glad they enjoy it enough to beg me to take them.

It is a nice little creek with some serious poison ivy growing around. I don't usually fish this area though. There were some nice smallies in the pool that looked to be guarding nests. Water still pretty cool and fish hungry...no complaints here.

Thanks for the tip... you know who you are... ;) :D