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Old 02-14-2014, 10:01 AM
TNBronzeback TNBronzeback is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2013
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i love jig fishing. i can do my power fishing with cranks and jerkbaits, but my love is with jigs. i throw the SK Bitsy Bug 99% of the time. its all in how you work it. a jig doesnt always have to be worked slow and bounced along bottom. i use mine as a swimbait too. take off the craw trailer, put on a zoom 4" twister, toss it out and swim it back. i like doing this with a jig over a crankbait cause when you stop a jig, its gonna sink, where as a crankbait is obviously gonna float up. swiim it a few feet then let it drop to bottom, swim it a few more feet and let it drop, pop it off bottom a few times, then start swimming it again. and now with the "swimming jigs" that come in shad type colors, you can match more of a baitfish presentation and not just a craw anymore.
To me, in regards to bass fishing, nothing compares to bouncing a jig along, letting it fall and seeing the tell tale "tick-tick" on the line, then see it swimming away.....crank down and rip with everything you got! FISH ON!!!
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