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Old 02-18-2015, 10:17 AM
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jad2t jad2t is offline
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I've seen so much faux "science" on Climate Change debunked from both sides that I'm fully convinced this is nothing other than a hot (pun intended) political issue that was initially created by the Democrat Party but of course is being used plenty by the Republicans as a quick talking point. They're quick to point out how much money Democrats waste on combating a made up phenomenon while they waste billions themselves on other ridiculous crap.

We're screwed, whether the Earth is heating or cooling and whether it's because I drive an SUV or because God intended it that way (the latter is correct), we're screwed.

And yes I remember acid rain. It was supposed to melt everything we see and rot the Earth to nothing but a giant circular shaped pile of dirt. I also remember all the ridiculous predictions Al Gore made about how much melting we'd see of glaciers by a certain year, how high the ocean would rise, the self destruction of Earth, etc. that never came to fruition. It's all a political game.

I feel bad for people who don't hunt and fish. They never get to experience God's creation the way we do.

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