Thread: skunk smell?
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Old 08-11-2012, 05:57 PM
bd- bd- is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Hendersonville
Age: 50
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Putting out several open boxes of baking soda will help if the smell is just hanging in the air.

Your dog may have rolled on the carpet trying to get the smell off. Best thing you can do in that case is rent a steam cleaner and give the carpet a thorough cleaning.

As you've discovered, a peroxide solution is the most effective thing for breaking down the chemicals that make up the skunk's spray, but it will also bleach your carpet. Some baking soda and a little liquid detergent can be used to treat any especially stinky spots you find on the carpet or furniture.

Some people swear by tomato juice (which also will stain), but I've never found it very effective on skunked dogs, and a few recent studies suggest that it really doesn't work very well.

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