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Old 02-25-2012, 10:23 AM
bd- bd- is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Hendersonville
Age: 50
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"TWRA stocked mountain lions" falls under the same category as "TWRA stocked coyotes" and "TWRA stocks rattlesnakes." It's silly.

It's not like they're the CIA - they couldn't conduct a large animal reintroduction program in total secret on some sort of "off books" budget that isn't known to the public.

Anyway, I'm pretty convinced that at least 99% of the mountain lion sightings I hear about are total hooey. It would be kind of neat if they were around, but it's funny how every third guy in East TN has seen multiple lions and yet nobody ever gets a picture, none show up as roadkill, they leave no tracks, etc.

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