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Old 03-06-2013, 10:38 AM
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Originally Posted by ALANRAYG2 View Post
My gut feeling is we are close to a US dollar collapse. Some communist "Russia and China" countries are buying gold by the 100's of tons. this gold will back their currencies . The US dollar has nothing backing it at all....except we are the 2nd largest economy in the world and we have borrowed more than anyone else in the world. The US Dollar is the international currency. China owns about a little over one trillion dollars of our debt.
Now the build up of military in our country geared to attack Americans in their homes and business. I can see many parallels to the Roman Empire and collapse, The build up that parallels Hitler's and Stalin's build-ups. Crime is running rampant in our government local and national. Our politicians are puppets international corporations. And don't forget Wall Street. Things look good right now but it won't be long before the big money interest will drain the profits from the markets.....again.
Some questions I have asked myself. Why does the IRS have to have weapons and millions of rounds of ammo? Why does DHS have 1.6 billion rounds of ammo? Why do they need over 2000 MRAP vehicles?
This is just a small sample of things to come. We are nationalizing many companies and medicine is being nationalized. This is a very dangerous trend. I for one feel like we are surfs and peasants to the elite. History is about to repeat itself unless there is Biblical intervention. I hope I am completely wrong !!!!!! The bottom line is " I DO NOT HAVE ANY TRUST IN OUR GOVERNMENT"

some of what I said above had been found to be inaccurate. Please read this link below. The 2,700 MRAP would not be necessary for disaster relief. There are many vehicles that would be much better suited for disaster relief. But they could not be converted BACK TO a combat vehicle as readily.
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