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Old 05-09-2017, 04:51 PM
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Texas_Rig Texas_Rig is offline
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Default Don't you hate it when.....

The fish are telling you what to do, but you think your smarter than them. I am sitting here getting ready to go to work and wondering what went wrong yesterday. I realize the only thing that went wrong was me. I went to OH yesterday afternoon. Conditions were favorable for flipping. So, I went to the grass and started flipping. Lost a nice little 2.5 lber immediately. I set the hook and the fish comes flying out if the water and my bait goes flying over my head. The hook was still nicely tucked inside my D-bomb. 5 minutes later, exactly the same thing; then again a few minutes later. So what do I do? Pick up another bait that if a bass bites it then im probably gonna catch it. 1 hour later and no bites, I pick up my flipping stick again. 2nd flip: I get bit and set the hook and fish comes off again. Frustrated, I pick up another bait and go a couple hours only catching a few small dinks. My point is that the fish were trying to tell me that I could catch them flipping. Instead of making adjustments to my flipping setup, I just kept changing baits. This made for a sub par fishing day. I should have made a color change or maybe taken off my bobber stop. Ok rant over. Hope you guys are getting to spend some time on the water
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