Thread: Jpp 6/26/16
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Old 06-29-2016, 09:22 AM
FloatNFish FloatNFish is offline
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Originally Posted by aero320 View Post
You might think about switching from Snap Weights to Tadpoles instead. I made the changeover last summer. You can use the Precision Trolling app on the iPhone to determine the amount of line to let out. The advantage over Snap Weights is that they do not have to be removed from the line as you are fighting the fish. Also, those Snap Weights cost about $11 when you lose one (and you do lose them). I took the downriggers off of the boat and only use Tadpoles.
Thanks for the heads up! I have seen those tadpoles and thought about picking up a couple. They're actually sitting in my FishUSA cart right now along with replacement pads for all my offshore tackle clips. I have been pretty lucky with the snap weights and have only lost one or two in the couple years I have been using them. Found a good deal on the OR-16 clips last year and stocked up. I don't use the official fish guppy weights just buy 3oz triangle weights for a fraction of the cost. I think I end up paying about $6/snap weight.

I have mixed emotions about the downriggers. They're big and can get in the way but they still account for about half my fish from now until September. I keep telling myself I'm going to get out and fish for some walleye with them too.
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