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Old 02-22-2016, 10:21 AM
jprism jprism is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 112
Default Guide help sheet

I live in Nashville TN and fish Kentucky or Guntersville at least once per month year around. Being retired and on a fixed income I cannot afford to fish with a guide every time however I do hire one 4 times per year. Because a guide fishes these lakes 4-6 times per week they are tuned into where the fish are and what they are eating. Since most guides are doing this for full or part time income I wonder why some don't start a service where someone like me could email or call them state the dates for their fishing trip and receive a detailed set of way points, areas, baits, etc. of where to find the fish. Of course there would be a charge for this service, maybe even an annual membership fee plus a fee for each time you request info. I personally would be glad to pay for this valuable service.
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