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Old 01-31-2016, 07:16 AM
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Reel Tune Reel Tune is offline
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Originally Posted by aero320 View Post
Picked up the new kayak this morning (Jackson Big Rig, GI Jackson). Unpacked everything, set it up, headed to the small. The lake in McMinnville on the Barren Fork. I had never actually been in a kayak until today. Did pretty well, paddled a log way with the wind, then against the wind. Realized I needed a trolling motor on the kayak.

I tried standing up using the leaning rail. I didn't fall out but it was shakey.

Experienced more trouble loading and unloading than anything else.

I have a question fir you kayakers. I am going to use a Group 24 battery with a trolling motor. Where should I locate the battey, behind the seat, in the rear compartment, or in the front compartment?

I am really impressed with Jackso Kayaks!
Congratulations on your maiden voyage. As for stability it does vary by person, but you was in one of the most stable kayaks out there. It will take a little getting used to build your confidence.

If it were me I would locate the trolling motor battery toward the front. The kayak will already be rear heavy with trolling motor, your gear and yourself. The more weight toward the front will level the boat out especially when under power.
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