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Old 11-24-2014, 06:38 PM
mfbab mfbab is offline
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Originally Posted by Alphahawk View Post
I have owned a Coosa now for almost 4 years. It is one of the best examples of why one needs to know about their needs....wants....and uses for the boat. I spend the vast majority of my fishing time chasing pan fish on flat water. I need to stay on station once I find the fish. Boat control with a Coosa on a lake even in a small breeze is a nightmare.....meaning if you fish mostly flat water stay away from the Coosa. Yet I still have it for river use....and on the river it shines. On the river it makes up for a lot of my short comings handling a kayak in faster water. If I did not periodically fish the Caney Fork River the Coosa would have been sold a long time ago. This, and many other reasons for one who is buying their first kayak for fishing needs to get to a kayak shop..."HOOK1" talk all of the issues out and have professionals help you out on purchasing a kayak.

Thanks for the additional input on the Coosa.
As far as your 115, did you like the way it handled on rivers reasonably well?

Again, I'm definitely going to make the trip to Hook1 before I buy anything, it's just good to have an opportunity to speak with guys who've owned these too.
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