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Old 11-24-2014, 06:15 PM
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jad2t jad2t is offline
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I won't say too much because there isn't much I can say that hasn't already been said but I can give you my perspective of the Ride 115 since I own one and fish in it every week. The only con I have is wishing I had the 135 for the extra cargo space behind me. Other than that, it's a fantastic kayak.

I've caught everything from bluegill to rockfish in it and it holds up well. Very stable. In the warmer months I'm standing and fishing 90% of the time. I can paddle standing up, give a hard hookset, and cast all I want with no fear of falling. It's all but impossible to flip but that doesn't mean I can't fall out of it while standing so that's why this time of year I stay seated.

I also recommend going into HOOK1. That's where I bought mine and I never once felt pressured to buy a more expensive model. The staff are all avid kayak anglers so they really know what they're talking about and will get you into a yak that best suits your needs. They will even drop you off at Old Hickory with any kayak you'd like to demo for free. I paddled and fished the Ride 115 around for a couple hours and was sold.

I feel bad for people who don't hunt and fish. They never get to experience God's creation the way we do.

SUMKINA Bait Company Prostaff
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