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Old 11-24-2014, 06:12 PM
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Alphahawk Alphahawk is offline
Master Trout Magnet
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Columbia, TN
Age: 72
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I have owned a Coosa now for almost 4 years. It is one of the best examples of why one needs to know about their needs....wants....and uses for the boat. I spend the vast majority of my fishing time chasing pan fish on flat water. I need to stay on station once I find the fish. Boat control with a Coosa on a lake even in a small breeze is a nightmare.....meaning if you fish mostly flat water stay away from the Coosa. Yet I still have it for river use....and on the river it shines. On the river it makes up for a lot of my short comings handling a kayak in faster water. If I did not periodically fish the Caney Fork River the Coosa would have been sold a long time ago. This, and many other reasons for one who is buying their first kayak for fishing needs to get to a kayak shop..."HOOK1" talk all of the issues out and have professionals help you out on purchasing a kayak.

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