Thread: Kayakers Beware
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Old 08-23-2014, 05:13 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
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Originally Posted by TNBronzeback View Post
It was always a problem first ice in michigan. All the canals would freeze over first. The very rich folks have homes on canals up there and they had the attitude of "your on the ice in front of my house, i own that ice, stay off" ive seen fist fights break out on the ice where the homeowner gets in the fishermans faces, yelling and screaming at the tops of thier lungs to get the BLEEP off thier ice. Per the norm, the home owner would push the ignoring fisherman while he sat on his bucket, fisherman gets up, decks the homeowner, sits back down and keeps fishing. Appauled wife calls sherrif, sherrif gets the scoop from dozens of witnesses on the ice, homeowner at the worst get taken to jail, most of the time no charges were pressed. Said fisherman got thier satisfaction from dotting a loudmouths eye or splitting his nose. Quite a few fisherman harrassment cases though. Lol.
Of course that was 15 years ago before firearms became more prevalent. Could be a war zone up there now for all i know.
In those cases just cause they live on the public waters, they think they own thier fair share of whats in front of thier house.
Some people on the water are just crazy!
Hitting the fisherman was unnecessary. Just shove his fishing pole in his ice hole.
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