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Old 01-04-2014, 10:30 PM
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Alphahawk Alphahawk is offline
Master Trout Magnet
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Columbia, TN
Age: 72
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Spending 24 years of my life working out of the country I have lost more than my share of luggage. During my 21 years working in Saudi I made a lot of trips back and forth....sometimes a many as 8 in a year. I learned very early in my career to have a big carry on bag. When we flew on company business we had to fly Saudia was in the contract. Many times I took that flight from New York direct to Saudi. Soon learned on that route that your luggage would go to Djibouti. Sometimes you got it back and other times you never saw it again....and Saudia was not good about paying up when your luggage was lost. So I soon learned that on a return flight from company business to only bring what I could get in my carry on. It is nice being retired...I made a vow to never fly again when I left Saudi for good....and except for a trip to El Paso for a good friends 60th birthday party I have kept that vow. I just got to where I hated flying and all that went with it. I realize many folks have to fly for whatever the reason....I am just glad I don't have to go through the hassle anymore.

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