Thread: Catfish Juggin
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Old 04-15-2012, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by tsuggs View Post
Makin some jugs out of styrofoam noodles and gonna try it at the east and west forks.Has anyone uses this technique? Best locations? Time of night? Any tips greatly appreciated!
I use noodles, I cut mine 12 inches long, slide a 2ft thin walled pvc pipe into it. cap one end of pvc, insert a 3 inch section of re-bar, cap other end and screw in a eye screw to attach line. Slide PVC all the way to one side if the noodle, lay flat in water, when fish take bait the re-bar will shift keeping the noodle flagged. Go below any dam and catch you some skip jack to freeze. Very oily fish and it is catfish candy. You can catch the skippies with white curly tail grubs, but I use a sabiki rig and can catch 3 to 4 at a time.
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