View Full Version : Nick A Jack 2-9-12

rick mcferrin
02-10-2012, 07:08 AM

NICK A JACK 2-09-2012

You can view all pictures from today on my web site. David Honey pictured-and I left Manchester this morning at 5:15am and headed to fish Nick A Jack above the dam. Water temps was as high as 52 degrees in some areas and the water color was good. We fished the lake until noon and then decided to fish below the dam so we loaded up and made the 5 minute trip to the dam ramp. We caught several fish in both areas, above the dam the Rapala DT6 Red Craw the #7 Rapala Bleeding Chartreuse Shad Rap www.rapala.com (http://www.rapala.com/) and a 3 inch swim bait on a 1/4 ounce VMC Smoochin Minnow Jig Head www.vmchooks.com (http://www.vmchooks.com/) was by far the best. Below the dam the Smoochin Head and swim bait was the best. We had another 20 fish not pictured-many of them below the dam was big white bass that we caught on light tackle.....Both of us use Sufix Pro Mix Mono in weights from 6lb test to 12 lb test depending on the situation www.sufix.com (http://www.sufix.com/) Rick McFerrin www.tennesseebassguides.com (http://www.tennesseebassguides.com/)

Travis C.
02-10-2012, 08:11 AM
Nice report Rick.

I have tried to catch fish on the red craw fat raps and down deep raps for years but can't never connect so I always go back to the brown craw.

Is it a seasonal thing for the red? I see you have a bunch of luck on them.

rick mcferrin
02-10-2012, 11:52 AM
Red is always good for me in the winter even in clear lakes....it's also good in lakes that have crawfish that have more of a green/red color to them at times...That is the color pattern on this bait.. there are times that red will out fish chartreuse for me in stained to slightly muddy water no matter the season.................I guess it comes down to throwing and having confidence in it....I still believe that the mental part of catching fish consistantly is vital.....I know that when I have a lot on my mind my productivity heads south quickly and i should have saved my gas money.........Rick

02-10-2012, 08:24 PM
Rick what is your take on the big sow White Bass congregating so early below the dams...water temp? I have not seen it like this before but I was not in the states for 24 years so it could have happened and I never heard about it..but to me they are there too early.


rick mcferrin
02-11-2012, 06:22 AM
I'm not sure....water temps has to be part of it.... a couple local folks hat fish below the dam all the time said they catch white bass in January every year....I don't know....there has been a tremendous amount of bait in that area as well....Rick