View Full Version : Crankin Depths

Travis C.
08-25-2011, 07:35 AM
I was trying out some new crankbaits last weekend. The Mann's 15+ in three different colors.The problem I had was getting it down. They were fished on 10# mono with long casts but sitting in water aroun 10-12ft the bait wasn't hitting the bottom.

Any you guys have tricks to get cranks to their depths without dropping to 8lb line that your willing to share?

I really liked the bait's size and rattle over a DD but if they won't go at least 12 much less 15+ then they can go in another tackle box for storage.

Reel Tune
08-25-2011, 10:14 AM
I've not use the Manns, but use the Rapala's. I have no trouble getting them to depth using a med action rod, 10lb mono, and making extra long casts, or making a long cast then floating another 30'-40' and just letting some more line out. I was using some DT20's Sure Set in 15-20' of water and could feel the bottom, it wasn't consistantly staying on the bottom, but it was hitting the bottom some.

Travis C.
08-25-2011, 10:44 AM
I may try some of those but they are balsa right? No rattles?

I really like the down deeps that came prior to the DT series with rattles and will probably go back to them for the time being. They just are on the big side. The DD-22's are nice but I can't crank those dudes all day long on ledges and they seem big. Yeah big fish eat big but that is a lot of resistance.

The 6-XD's are on my list to try as well. They seem more like the down deep fat raps I have.

I will try floating a bit then next time. Everything else seems the same. :confused:

08-25-2011, 11:12 AM
You can also try shaving the lip at it's edge. A sharper lip digs better, but you have to be careful to not affect the wobble. Try to keep the contour of the lip edge the same and you'll be fine.

Also, using fluoro line will help. It sinks, has a thinner diameter, and less stretch...all good traits, just back off a bit on the drag to allow for less shock absorption via line stretch. A longer rod may help, too, since you can make.longer casts and drop the tip lower during the retrieve. Plus, a longer rod moves more line during the hookset, resulting in better sets on a longer/deeper strike.
