View Full Version : My Apologies

04-06-2017, 03:24 PM
OK, I apologize. I disappeared from FishingTN for a LONG time. Every excuse I can offer is weak, except the truth is, since I quit my "real job" Dec. 31, 2014 and started guiding full-time ... it's been pretty crazy busy.

That is still no excuse for not stopping by to say "Hi," every now and then.... so "Hi." :D

My 2017 crappie season has been unusual to say the least... it was very slow to kick into high gear, and then when it did, it was short-lived (for me). I've kept a fairly detailed log. This year I've caught 598 keeper crappie in 23 guide trips (since February)... an overall average of 26 crappie per trip.

But 312 of those were caught AFTER March 25 ... 39 per trip!

I know it's still going good for lots of folks, but the best bite for my style (longline trolling the pre-spawn) is pretty much over. I'll start doing mostly catfish trips and/or live bait for bass (and whatever else will bite live bait).

This is one of my favorite photos of the season so far.
https://nebula.wsimg.com/728b222a8bb4ac4bea7d9158438b6318?AccessKeyId=DFA90 8B948DCE1A81387&disposition=0&alloworigin=1

You can see LOTS more in my Photo Galleries (click the separate link to see Jan. - March photos): https://www.sceniccityfishing.com/photo-gallery.html

Here's wishing everybody great fishing!

04-06-2017, 04:32 PM
Richard, thanks for dropping by and giving us that report... Please keep us posted on your fishing adventures.

By the way, do to my physical conditions I am going to sell my Great Lakes Walleye/Striper/Bass/Catfish boat.

So Maybe you will be getting a little business from me. I know I will be in good hands.... <'TK><:)

04-07-2017, 11:01 AM
HEY!! My Fellow Catfish Buddy! Glad your Back! Me and my son were just talking about taking a trip down to Chattanooga and go with you someday..Hope you have a great season my friend!

04-07-2017, 09:27 PM
Welcome back. Glad to see you're well!! Can't wait to see them big whiskered fish!

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Reel Tune
04-13-2017, 07:27 AM
Congratulations on the full time guiding Rick, thanks for stopping by.